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RE: I disagree...

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Posted by: SerpentLover87 at Sun Jul 10 01:48:27 2005   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by SerpentLover87 ]  

Exactly. the percent does not apply to how much of a certain trait something has, it applies to the percent of offspring that will inherit a certain trait, and its just an estimate. If you are using a punnet square , consider this.

F1 : BB x bb where B= an alele for brown eyes and b=an allele for blue eyes. this would be a cross between a homozygous dominant brown eyed person and a homozygous recessive blue eyed person.

the children would all have brown eyes no questions asked, but they would be heterozygous for blue eyes which means that they could produce blue eyed children , but they cannot have blue eyes themselves. According to the the theory you have, since the children are "1/2 blue eyed and 1/2 brown eyed" they would have a 50/50 chance of being blue eyed or brown eyed. However this is not so.

Then lets examine F2

that would be a cross between

Bb x Bb okay these are two heterozygous parents , both are brown eyed, but carry the gene for blue eyes. In a perfect world, if the couple had four children, three would come out brown eyed (BB, Bb, Bb) and one would come out blue eyed (bb). However , the ratio is 1:2:1 this means that each individual child has , at conception, the following percent of chances to be brown eyed or blue eyed.
Homozygous brown eyed: 25%
Heterozygous brown eyed: 50%
Blue eyed: 25%

This does not mean that exactly 25% will have blue eyes, nor does it mean that the offspring are 25% blue eyed. It means only that the offspring have approximately a 25% chance to be blue eyed. The only way that the children have a 50/50 chance of having blue eyes is crossing a heterozygous brown eyed person to a blue eyed person. and even then there is no guarantee that exactly 50% will be blue eyed. it all depends on chance really. the only way you get a recessive trait 100% of the time is by crossing 2 homozygous recessive individuals . you cant really call your cross a new morph because its nothing new . its just AB(codominant )crossed with BB (normal ball) that would mean that your pythons have a 50% chance of being normal ball pythons and 50% chance of being angolan balls. There is no new morph in between. And that doesnt meant that they are half normal and half angolan, they either are or they are not.


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<< Previous Message:  I disagree... - Renaissance, Thu Mar 3 17:56:36 2005