Posted by:
at Sat Mar 5 08:10:01 2005 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by mandora ]
Hi everyone, I have a question that I need some help with. I currently own a cornsnake, and in the past have had geckos, beardies, skinks, and various native herps in my life (all of which have either died of natural old age, or - in the case of my geckos - stayed with my family when I went away to university). My corn is the only snake I've ever had. I would like to graduate to a larger snake, with the intention of adding it to a school demo/educational show that I'm putting together with my other animals (parrots, etc) So, here's the question: I would like to 'move up' to larger herps, perhaps more demanding or 'interesting' than the beginner herps I've kept in the past, but whatever I choose also needs to be capable of being an 'ambassador' and visiting schools with me, without becoming too stressed out. Ideally, I'd like for kids to be able to interact with it, but perhaps since I have the corn already, a less interactive, more interesting/less common species that would respond well to just me handling it for them would also be ok. What are everyones thoughts?
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