Posted by:
at Sun Mar 6 15:22:59 2005 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by bloodpythons ]
I'd consider putting a clutch that size in a bigger container for incubation. Give them something at least the size of a large rubbermaid shoebox (like the old 2220 size). The smaller the incubation container, the less room there is for error with temperature or humidity fluctuations.
If you're worried about the container fitting within a hovabator, replace the bottom of the hovabator with the bottom of a 17"x17"x9" styro fish shipping box - the top should fit nicely...if you need a more precise fit, line the edges of the top with duct tape to give it a snug fit.
Nice clutch BTW...good luck with it!
>>I have been breeding snakes for 15 years but theese are my first python eggs and the first time I have used a incubater. please let me know if this all seems right or if I need to do something different. my female 50% het albino (the male is a 100%het albino)laid 5 good looking eggs last night and I did not have my incubater set up yet. I did get it set up in a hour or so and the temps are at 90 to 92 on a small amount of vermeculite mixed with perlite. (not to wet). ok so what is wrong? or is this ok? pitures are of female on her eggs and of my set up. and I did weigh the eggs, they were 498 grams for the five or them, is that good? thanks. >> >> JIM >> ----- Just because I have a short attention span doesn't mean
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