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The answer is yes and no

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Posted by: neilgolli at Sun Mar 6 18:57:29 2005   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by neilgolli ]  

does it help inregards to the total number of imported animals, no. Most contries are currently exporting to their full CITES quota (or are doing there best to meet it). However the captive breeding of BP's does help to the extent that responsible individuals who research getting any exotic species as a pet will surely see the benifit of captive born animals. These individuals then order "normal" balls from local or national breeders or buy them at local shows. In the long run this should help wild populations as they will not need to replace there "pet" every year.

On another note, many countries are having problems meeting there quotas, even Bill Brant was 4000 CH animals short of his quota for last year. The cattle industry has also been placing tremedous pressure to stop the importation of all reptiles species as some type of tick (the name of this tick slips my mind right now) but it can do tremenodous damage to cattle.

I know that I may be slamed for this but I for one would like to see all CITES quotas cut in half right away and all imporation of balls stoped within the next3-5 years. It will have an effect on some new morphs coming in each year, but is overall much better for the species (and most others as well) as a whole. JMHO



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<< Previous Message:  Breeding BP helps the wild population... - kingofspades, Sun Mar 6 17:47:10 2005