Posted by:
at Sat Mar 19 15:30:57 2005 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by stevebinnig ]
Hi All, I know I'm a day late and a dollar short on this, but I think it's doable to a degree by creation of a studbook. Of course it would rely on accurate information, initially, but I think there are enough scrupulous herpers out there to give it a go. It's not perfect, I know, but things will only get worse as more founders are lost to our aging memories. Since Texas Indigos can be shipped around freely, it would be much easier than trying the same thing with Easterns. I know this method relies heavily on the ethics of the participants, but doesn't this whole hobby operate on trust to a degree anyway? We all buy unrelated pairs depending on the scruples of the seller. I don't work with Texas Indigos, and I suggest that a certain amount of inbreeding happens in nature, but I think it would be fun to do private sector studbooks.I suggest that it would increase sellability, too, and there lies another can of worms. Sanzinia or Dumeril's, anyone?
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