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RE: Panties in a bunch.......LOL.............That's funny

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Posted by: ajfreptiles at Sat Mar 26 07:24:15 2005   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ajfreptiles ]  

Hey Craig, I don't think anyone was letting yearling albinos go at $300 each...they were most likly albino burms. Anyway, given the fact that boas are harder to produce, I think prices are more subject to cyclic trends. You will always have those who get in to it to make the fast buck...find out how hard it is and quit. Then you see cheap prices. But if the market says everyone should be making snows, and everyones focus turns to high dollar snows...then who is producing sunglows? I don't think everyone is capable of producing everything in a single year. Even with the new tripple hets coming strong, or Quads.. the numbers of each produced will be limited.

A few years ago, I saw albinos selling at $800 each, and the following year I had planned to buy a couple. Then they were $1200 and $1500. This is cyclic, everyone kept saying not many produced. The only albinos I ever saw at $500 had only one eye. Who would want to breed those? I would not even want one as a pet. Andy

LOL. I agree you can not compare the ball and boa markets to be the same thing, I also agree $300 albinos are not likely to be the norm. I was merely giving an example of how prices can drop, honestly do you think $7500 is a sustainable price for something you can get the ingredients for under $2000?? To give another example, I just acquired the only male baby of what I believe to be a new co-dom morph. In two years if he breeds I do expect to sell the babies in the $20k range, however I do not expect to get 20k after 2 years, in fact the price could easily drop to less than half that. I truly was just trying to give an answer to the question, and I know your harsh comments were not directly aimed at me. I think alot of people are truly surprised when they find out the asking prices and the getting prices are often thousands of dollars different in this business. As for someone stating they heard somewhere about $300 albinos, I doubt it actually happened, but I do not feel it is wrong for them to post it. Do you really think it is going to destroy the market?? Again, just my feeble thoughts and opinions. Craig Kade


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<< Previous Message:  I figured that would get someones panties in a bunch - craig k., Sat Mar 26 01:08:35 2005