Posted by:
at Tue Mar 29 10:00:32 2005 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Hoppy ]
Although the fact that you can see through your boa and see the food move back and forth is very interesting, I would suggest not touching the snake. Here is what is happening (more then likely) to the snakes.
For what ever may be the reason (too low of temps, food thawed out too long, prior frozen/thawed and refrozen food or just a freak bacteria) the snakes are producing too much gas during the digestion period. This is normally caused by the food decomposing quicker then it is being digested (which is why I would suspect that the temps are too low or the food was thawed too long). With this one of two things is going to happen. The food is either going to be regurged or it will be digested and the snakes will have a nasty case of diarrhea. Either way it is very important to re-hydrate the snakes as soon as possible after the event. Misting soaking etc… will work for that. Now the problem is going to be “how to get the snake past this issue”. De-worming the snake to kill any bad parasites that may have gotten into the snake is important (seek vet for the need meds) to replace the important beneficial bacteria that the snake needs I would suggest some Nutri Bac be giving to the snake on its next feeding. The next feeding is going to have to be about two weeks out (giving time for the snakes stomach to settle) and much smaller then normal to assure that the snakes are digesting normally again. So to cover the info: 1) wait until the food is processed (regurges or diarrhea) 2) De-Worn the snakes for parasites (Flagyl @ .3ccs for every 100grms of snake and Panacur @ .075ccs for every 100 grams of snake trat once and then retreat in two weeks for each snake) 3) Re-hydrate snakes 4) Do not feed for two weeks 5) When feeding again feed small meal dusted with Nutri-Bac 6) Feed thee small meals for about two months until the snakes appear to be feeding with out any problems I hope this helps, but here is a word of warning, do not try and short cut this treatment. In 4 weeks if your snakes appear to be doing ok (and they will) do not start feeding big meals again. It will result in a relapse and the snakes will go all through this again. Good Luck ----- Jim Hopkins "Hoppy" Hopkins Holesale Herps
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