Posted by:
at Thu Mar 31 07:22:53 2005 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by matthewpope ]
Gus has a great article on this; see the link.
It is very important to first note whether you are working with BCC or BCI. I have never met nor heard of anyone whose BCC reproduce year round, without providing seasonality. Of those whom I have spoke to who have tried inducing copulations outside the normally accepted fall-spring season, all have reported less than normal success.
You’ll note from Gus’ temperature data, that MUCH LESS seasonality is required for BCI than BCC. It is my belief that many people who say they don’t cycle their boas are actually doing so, but inadvertently.
The radiative heat transfer will also be even more rapid when it is both cold inside the house AND outside due to any seasonal change. This means that the boa will approximate a cool temperature faster and warm back up more slowly, and thus remain at that temperature longer. Since the BCI respond to less seasonality, these simple, yet almost unnoticeable seasonal changes might be all that is necessary to push the BCI to the necessary threshold, especially where seasons are pronounced.
For BCC, I have used a stronger seasonality approach, much like what Gus had described. In doing so, I proved to myself, at least with a pair I have, that this seasonality is key. I have gotten the same pair to reproduce under identical conditions in two different parts of the country and have carefully monitored the data while doing so.
Seasonality, per what I have read and experienced, is associated with much higher success rates. I do not think that many breeders would unnecessarily expose their BCC to RIs and the like if it wasn’t necessary and most people’s BCIs are probably getting seasonality inadvertently to at least some degree.
I hope this helps and best wishes in your boa endeavors.
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