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Here is something else that is not mentioned enough

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Posted by: scottbradley at Sun Apr 17 23:07:49 2005   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by scottbradley ]  

Something that has been touched on just a little is the legislation that is going on around the country and the fact that we as a group need as many supporter as we can get and the hard thing to deal with is that not all the folks that are into retiles are great representatives or ambassadors for the rest of us but we are a target because of are perceived small numbers and activist will continue to target us until we can stand up to them in great numbers. If we had the numbers of dog enthusiasts we would be fine. The larger this hobby or industry grows the better off we should be but we might have to accept some of the bad with the good. I don't know if most of you realize it or not but their are a lot of folks that are basically in this hobby or industry that are doing it under ground per-say because of laws, regulations or they just don't want to offend anyone. So I have a harder time swallowing this than if someone is getting into it to capitalize on the money aspect. Where I live you have to have a permit and to get a permit first you have to own at least one acre of ground where your reptiles are to be kept and in some towns keeping them are completely restricted. Many times I've read recently in our paper how someone just had all their animals confiscated not because they were being knuckle heads but because somebody that doesn't like reptiles turned them in. Its a shame that so many people have to sneak or hide their love for these wonderful animals because of someone else's fears so the more support we get the better off I think we will be. Thanks for reading Scott Mid Atlantic Morphs


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>> Next Message:  RE: Thanks everyone for their Thoughts... - Jeremy Stone, Sun Apr 17 23:50:43 2005
>> Next Message:  RE: Absolutely....... - ajfreptiles, Mon Apr 18 01:12:17 2005

<< Previous Message:  For Love or money a few more thoughts......more - Hoppy, Sun Apr 17 16:46:33 2005