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Ever Dealt With a RI ? Possible new method - READ (Part 1)

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Posted by: morgans boas at Sun Apr 24 19:46:10 2005   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by morgans boas ]  

PART 1of 3: Hi, I'll start this by saying that in the past 12 years, I've had about a half dozen Boas with respiratory Infections, who were treated with Baytril (injection), with very little desired effects. In this past breeding season, I had a pair that developed an RI after courting for around 6 weeks. -on a side note, I don't cool down my snakes to "cycle" them, and I keep the temps in the mid-80's (warmer -hot side, cooler -cool side).
I went to make an appt. with my vet, and I came to find out that she moved. So I went to another vet that was recomended, and of course, he gave me Baytril, and of coarse, I I saw no improvements. I found another vet that someone referred me to, who was very familiar with boas, and I told him about my past w/ Baytril. So we took a culture and sent it to the lab. It turns out that Baytril was the #1 recomendation for fightng this, BUT, instead of injecting the meds, he suggested renting a nebulizer, and having them breathe in the medicine to where the infection is. OH MAN, what a difference. The male wasn't very bad to begin with, but in about a week, he was showing no signs of being sick, and the female had taken a turn for the worst prior to trying this, but is definetely making a great comeback. She used to have gooey white/yellow mucus in her nostrils that would dry up and close over. And her breathing was loud and out of her mouth. Now after a couple of weeks, there is only a small amount of clear fluid in her nostrils,and only right after her daily treatment, and no sounds while breathing, and it seems to be getting better all of the time. I still treat her each day, and the male every 3 days to make sure there is no lingering bacteria that may come back.
This is part 1. -- Part 2 will show pics of the set up, and methods that I came up with. Don't you wish that you could get your sick Boas to blow their nose? Stay tuned.
--aka DMOG68


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>> Next Message:  PART 2 - morgans boas, Sun Apr 24 19:50:19 2005
>> Next Message:  PART 3 - morgans boas, Sun Apr 24 19:54:42 2005
>> Next Message:  A friend of mine here in N.J. has been using an inebulizer for.. (more) - vcaruso15, Sun Apr 24 21:22:39 2005
>> Next Message:  RE: Ever Dealt With a RI ? Possible new method - READ (Part 1) - joeysgreen, Wed Apr 27 05:42:38 2005