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RE: heres your problem buddy,

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Posted by: FR at Thu May 12 16:53:42 2005   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]  

hahahahahahahahahaha just thought that would get your attention.

About me contradicting myself. Thats is still misunderstood.

First, its very possible that the gap of experience is to great for, you and others, to understand what I am saying. This gap is well understood in other walks of like. (People tend to form groups based on levels of understanding) For instance, newbies tend to like newbies, intermediate levels like intermediates, advanced like advances, etc. This is so, simply because of levels of understanding(they understand eachother).

Add to that the fact that my credibility is of no importance what so ever. Why would it be? One of my opponents gave here an attacked me, saying he was going to destroy my credibility, I laughed. Who the heck cares. My credibility is only the hatchlings I produce. I am a breeder. Therefore, its hatchlings that give me my name. If I do not hatch something, then I am not a breeder. Being a breeder is a discription from the result. Not the attempt to do something. As long as I do that(do stuff), I do not need "paper" credibility. If someday I stop being successful, then I have no need to live on pass success. I will be done. I will have lost my credibility.

You must understand, its not about knowing or thinking you know something. When your goal is to allow reproduction, ITs the results that tell you if your right or wrong. And let me tell you right here and now, I do not care what you think you know, the monitors will be telling you just how wrong you are, FROM now until enternity. So yes, I do not think I need to be right, only the results should be right. I often change my prespective, You know, as you continue to learn. I find out that all last years thoughts were simply last years thoughts. One of the reasons I do not write(books) is, I may read them and start to believe them. If I do not write it, I can simply change as I go, which is what causes my success.

That you think you know something is like a heavy pair of handcuffs. It will surely restrict your ability to learn.

All and all, my credibility is having MONITOR eggs in the incubator from 1991 until now, without a single day of not having eggs. Now sir, thats credibility. So you see, I do not think, thoughts need to be right, results do, I do not feel the need to know anything, only achieve good results. Remember players play and talkers talk about playing. Think about that. FR


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>> Next Message:  RE: heres your problem son, - varanusanus, Thu May 12 19:59:02 2005

<< Previous Message:  Thanks for the advice - varanusanus, Thu May 12 14:53:20 2005