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RE: More...

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Posted by: FR at Wed May 11 12:50:34 2005   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]  

Hmmmmm your making it difficult. Nothing is automatic, not in captivity or in nature.

In captivity, if barely tolarable conditions are met, then females lay eggs, you do not have to do anything, like hibernate or photoperiod or apply anything in any way. If the energy and the conditions are barely acceptable, they can lay.

Now for the funny part. We have discussed why and how some people have what appears to be a healthy fat female, that never lays. That does seem to exsist. I am not sure how that happens.

As I have said a billion times, yes I know thats more then a million. Monitors lay eggs like pez despencers. But getting hatchable eggs is difficult.

If you follow KS, and keep any sort of track of how many eggs are laid and how many actually hatch, then you will get some idea of what I am talking about.

Back to nature, nature does not care if eggs are laid or not, nature only cares about hatching, then surviving. You must understand, eggs and babies feed the eco-system, and surviving hatchlings support the population. Both must happen.

I do not think wild monitors go around laying lots of infertile eggs, but I do not it does happen(seen it, many times) I think they absorb ripe ovum, if a male is not found. This also happens in captivity. But for some reason in captivity, laying infertile eggs is common, with or without males.

What that means is very clear, we do not meet their basic requirememts or a regular basis. People forget monitors are reptiles, they the monitors, do not form their own metabolism, they aquire their metabolism from their enviornment. If we do not give them the tools to aquire their needs, they, the inmates, will show a wide range of success and failure. Depending on what was provided and how consistant it was provided.

Where I fall away from many scientists and MS's as I like to say. Monitors are exactly the same in nature or captivity. The difference lays in the tools for them to acquire their needs. The the MS's somehow think a Sav that was caught one week then exported the next will magically change to something else, once in captivity. It does not change, its enviornment does.

Hmmmmm what I am trying to say is, in nature, there are surely no guarantees, the wild monitors can only strive to succeed. In captivity, there also is no guarantees and no expectations, only here, its the keepers that must strive to allow the monitors to succeed. The captives are now under our control, wishes, and whims. They are no longer in natures. FR


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<< Previous Message:  RE: More... - JimG, Wed May 11 10:10:40 2005