Posted by:
at Wed May 11 21:58:38 2005 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by kap10cavy ]
No harm, no foul. I never get offened by words, especialy when they are true. I remember when I was at Ft. Lewis in the early 80's someone brought in a bunch of Okinawain tree lizards. Noone knew how to care for them and they all died that I know of. I tried to help since I used to catch them and keep them when I was a youngster living in Okinawa. They were all too busy reading books and trying what they thought would work. Everyone insisted on feeding them bugs even when I tried to tell them they eat leaves and berries. I now see the same thing with monitors. They come in bad shape, sold for cheap prices to unknowing people and things go down hill. I see people like JCMonitor having a hard time selling CB savs because people would rather buy cheap. They don't see the world like we do. You get what you pay for. I am not as old as you, and lack your experience with lizards, but I have been around and seen alot. I have never accually bought a sav, unless you count shipping cost. They were all given to me for one reason or another.
Scott ----- Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
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