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RE: Please don't take it personal

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Posted by: kap10cavy at Wed May 11 21:58:38 2005   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by kap10cavy ]  

No harm, no foul. I never get offened by words, especialy when they are true.
I remember when I was at Ft. Lewis in the early 80's someone brought in a bunch of Okinawain tree lizards. Noone knew how to care for them and they all died that I know of. I tried to help since I used to catch them and keep them when I was a youngster living in Okinawa. They were all too busy reading books and trying what they thought would work. Everyone insisted on feeding them bugs even when I tried to tell them they eat leaves and berries.
I now see the same thing with monitors. They come in bad shape, sold for cheap prices to unknowing people and things go down hill. I see people like JCMonitor having a hard time selling CB savs because people would rather buy cheap. They don't see the world like we do. You get what you pay for.
I am not as old as you, and lack your experience with lizards, but I have been around and seen alot.
I have never accually bought a sav, unless you count shipping cost. They were all given to me for one reason or another.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


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<< Previous Message:  RE: Please don't take it personal - FR, Wed May 11 19:33:03 2005