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Posted by: madisonrecords at Tue May 31 14:23:20 2005 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by madisonrecords ] Well, I have never been much on taking pictures, but I do have a friend that is really good on computers, that I am going to try and get to come over hopefully by the weekend. There are so many nice boas out there anymore, including the fabulous ones that I have seen you post, I doubt that many would be impressed with my " run of the mill boas. " Thin saddles and no speckling and bright colors that do not seem real are pretty much meaningless to me anymore. I am still very old fashion in my weird ways and locality and knowing the front porch the animals are found under, are more important to me, " regardless what they look like. " My emeralds, well they are like a porcelane doll collection and I do not even try to breed them anymore. I was talking to my old friend Scott Michaels the other day and he seems to think that it is a waste and I should have my head examined, but we agree to disagree. There is nobody out there that is better at husbandry than I am, BUT I have never claimed to be a great or even good breeder, heck I do not even really try anymore.Way to many boas out there anymore and I do not really want to sell them for Monitor food. So, how is Bats doing? I wish I would have known Brian was selling her, I would have loved to have her, but she is definately in good hands, considering the good things I have heard about you......Johnson Herp.........Here is a rare white Suriname from Aetina that I picked up over a year ago. | ||
>> Next Message: Tell me more about that white Surinam.... - whitneywee, Tue May 31 20:58:32 2005 | ||
<< Previous Message: Here's a pic taken with the camera I am offering. - Surinameman, Tue May 31 13:08:00 2005 |
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