Posted by:
at Tue May 31 16:57:57 2005 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Mickey_TLK ]
OK, I figured why not ask the board. I know people at times will say A JUNGLE IS A JUNGLE, and THERE IS NO MISTAKEING A JUNGLE WHEN THE LITTERS A GROUP. I agree 90% of the time, but I would bet there are exeptions to this statement.
Im NOT claiming theese animals to be anything. They are from the sweedish line of jungles.
This one is pretty obvious, both jungles of course
How many jungles does everyone see (remeber abberincies does not a jungle make)
Colors good, has the odd sides, but does not have any major abberincies or the needle eye on the head.
No major abberincies, good color, normal sides, no eye hole
Definately has the head pattern, but not the color on the sides, clean tail however
SAME SNAKE AS ABOVE. Notice the circles in the saddles, but missed the color.
Has great color, a bit of connection in some saddles, nice yellow around tail, almost has head marking.
Almost has the head marking, has a bit of stripe to the tail, and nice colors. Also has odd markings around eye area.
So ok Jeremy, Gray, the rest of you with experience what do you think. I have a number of others that are pretty much obviously commons, and a few others that I would say have characteristics. Im not trying to make anything something its not, just trying to figure out what to best do with them...LOL. ----- Mickey Hinkle
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- What am I (were all from a jungle litter) ATTENTION JEREMY AND GRAY - Mickey_TLK, Tue May 31 16:57:57 2005