Posted by:
at Wed Jun 1 12:10:23 2005 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by tcdrover ]
I had a Yellow Anaconda for about a year. It was completely tame, never even hissed. It was a very cool snake. He seemed smarter and more aware than a boa, and I've had a number of boas.
He learned how to open the sliding door on a Vision which none of my other snakes have ever done. To me, he seemed more like a dog or cat, a pet that needs more attention than just a regular boa. He would have been a good pet if I had just one snake and not 6.
The other thing is that keeping a water container clean in a cage can be a lot of work, the larger the container the more work, and the greater the stink if you don't constantly change the water. They also seem to have a faster metabolism than boas, that means they poop more and require more maintenance.
These are things to consider. I prefer boas, they're easier to maintain. I know this will probably sound harsh, but after a while I started to see yellow anacondas as ugly, plain looking water snakes, whereas boas are always gorgeous to my eyes.
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