Posted by:
at Sat Jul 30 19:22:57 2005 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by gila7150 ]
Hey Steve, Out of 23 eggs there were no slugs. 20 hatched on their own and are perfectly healthy, 2 were fully formed but dead in egg and the last one.....I feel pretty stupid about.
It didn't pip on it's own so I made a slit. Two days later it still hadn't come out and there was no movement when I gently touched the snake inside with a toothpick so I opened the egg. Inside I found a live hatchling that appears healthy but still absorbing a large yolk sack. I have it on damp paper towels and I'm hoping the little guy makes it but I may have screwed up by not being patient enough. In two years of breeding these guys I've had very high fertility ratios. This may be because I actually leave the male and female together from November through the end of January so I believe they probably copulate several times during that time period. I know this can be risky with Drys but so far it's worked out well for me. I seperate them for feeding and they spend most of that time together under the same hide box. In 2 years of breeding them I've never witnessed copulation. I would never consider keeping them together outside of breeding season during the warmer months when their feeding response seems to be much stronger. My cribos seem to be less hungry and prefer smaller meals during the cooler months so while there's always a risk, I believe it's considerably less during breeding season.
I only did short introductions with the unis and both times I observed copulation were on cool, rainy days when I cracked the window in the herp room. Chris
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