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RE: Not because its fun Jody

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Posted by: FR at Fri Sep 30 17:53:22 2005   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]  

Its because they base it on what they read. A book wants them to be different so they say this or that. So the reader, believes this to be true.

So for species like albigs, they have rounded teeth for eating snails and mollusks. Except according to Dr. Ube Krebs, the climate changed and so did the prevailing diet. So their teeth are developed for one thing but time has changed that, now albigs are in need of further evolving. This IS an example he gave in a talk I attented.

So yes, Ben believes Dums consume some such diet in nature, but are there crayfish there? Do they really feed on crayfish, or is crayfish a reasonal faxcimile of what they would eat in nature. Do they feed on crayfish like creatures all year or part of the year. Are crayfish seasonal? What else would they feed on. And lastly, do we have something thats a reasonal faxsimile of that. Do all populations of Dums feed on the same things?????a very good question you know.

So what we have are those that want them to be different from eachother because they read that. Good enough, I hope it works for all of them, as well as it works for Ben.

I still think it(success) is more about doing the work and keep doing the work, that all this baloney. Like Ross Perod, said, "put the rubber to the road" In order for any of these theories to be of value, they got to put the rubber to the road. Thanks Ben for doing that. FR


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<< Previous Message:  RE:species appropriate? - JPsShadow, Fri Sep 30 16:25:25 2005