Posted by:
at Fri Dec 2 11:56:00 2005 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by bcijoe ]
"There is a difference between teaching a man to fish and telling him to go learn." Yes, you are correct, and for that I apologize.
"It does not matter if the same question gets posted everyday.... that is why this forum is here" Yes and not really... but, moving on...
"If you do not like the question, simply ignore it" True...
"Who here has not asked a question that was probably asked/answered earlier?" That's where you may not agree with me or others. Believe it or not, a few years ago, this was a much more 'organized' space, for lack of a better word... You would not see the same questions posted 3 times a day. You would not see the simple questions that become overheated discussions which cause the thread to get pulled! So bad it get's pulled! That was UNHEARD of a few years ago.
We took a calmer pace about it, perhaps because there wasn't as much money involved. We took joy in reading everyone else's post and answers, and learning this way, ourselves. There was more respect and courtesy to others. To the thoughts of others, and to the time of others. It was more like a support group, and not a free for all.
Posts and request/questions were answered precisely, by more than one person, so to share equally good, yet different experiences. They were not used to show off, or irritate, or get hijacked to become something else, or expose someone.
There were no PERSONAL DISCUSSIONS between persons responding to the post! It was about the poster, not for the 'responder's to argue about each others opinions or beliefs.
Sure, one may say... this is a forum.. here for us to discuss what we want, how we want.. Yes, you can go around doing what, when, how, who, why you want.. and that's the way the world is the way it is today.
Maybe i'm just a tired, grumpy old man... lol
Should I even post this? So to get responses telling me what THEY think should be, or why i'm wrong to feel the way I feel? and prove my case? let this thread get hijacked to something it was not about?
Weren't we talking about Boas at one time or another?!?!?!? ----- Thanks and take care - Joe Rollo 'Tis not the stongest of the species that will eventually survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change' Charles Darwin
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