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RE: Lots of good points but..... this is going to be long

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Posted by: PanamaRed at Sun Dec 18 15:57:19 2005   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PanamaRed ]  

Ed, if you breed a polygenic pastel to a polygenicpastel, you get a better ratio of pastels than if you breed a pastel to a normal. Now, you will still get varying degrees of pastelism by breeding a pastel to a normal, but fewer will be real deal pastels. I don't think that if you breed a hog to a colombian, and then take the 2 most colombian looking babies from the litter and breed them together, that you will get 25% of the litter that looks pure hog island. I just don't see it.However, I am not making claims about them being dominant either, so it is not my place to prove it, as suggested by an email I got reguarding this. "Breed them and see".
Breed a poodle to a german shepherd. Take the 2 most german shepherd looking babies, breed them wont get many poodle looking babies out of that.
I guarantee that the litter will however still be 100% mutt
Davey Giltner

Lets look at it this way. If you were to pair those 2 that looked most colombian in the pairing in your example, and breed them... I'm not saying they are going to look like pure hogs, I am saying there are going to be about 25% that are super blonds. The colombian blood will have it's on effect on the build and way thier markings are but the color will be there.

On the poligenic pastel note, when bred together they look like pastels, (most lines, who knows what else is out there) you may get more than if breeding pastel to an dark boa, but there would need to be 25% that stood out as exceptional above the rest or 25% that could breed anything and throw complete litters of pastels in order for them to be a dominant trait.

If the hogs were like pastels you couldn't take 2 crosses and produce hog like babies from them.

If you get some siblings to pastels (non pastels) and breed them chances are your going to have a litter of normals, you could possibly have a baby or 2 that was nicer looking but it would realy depend on what the parents looked like.
Ed Lilley,


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<< Previous Message:  RE: Lots of good points but..... this is going to be long - DaveyFig, Sun Dec 18 15:30:02 2005