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RE: Chinese eating endangered NY terrapins for medicinal qualities

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Posted by: honuman at Thu Jan 5 12:49:39 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by honuman ]  

I monitor this situation in NYC constantly. There are folks here that are trying to crackdown on it but the problem is that as long as it is legal to sell them in the markets (and it is as long as they follow the guidelines -- WHICH SO Many DON'T) No one seems to enforce it. ALso they sell tons of redbelly turtles and sliders painted turtles, snappers and softshells there too. All kept in hideous conditions. Most (save for the softshells and possibly the sliders) are wild caught (not farm raised)animals.

Also not just the Asian people buy these animals so you shouldn't point fingers only at them. There are restaurants that buy them direct from the (now relocated) Fulton Street fish for use in their restaurants in soup. While the popularity of such a dish has dimished some, it still is eaten by other cultures than the Chinese.

What I wonder is if the people that consume these animals have any idea what kind of diseases and parasites they have? I have rehabbed many of them and I will tell you that after the stress of being in those meat markets has hit them they get some real funky diseases. You wouldn't catch me eating that fungus infested, SCUD and pinworm ridden meat.

As far as the mumbo jumbo stuff goes IMHO that is a matter of personal opinion and better expressed on a forum that discusses that sort of thing.



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