Posted by:
W von Papineäu
at Wed Jan 4 19:39:36 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by W von Papineäu ]
CAMDEN GAZETTE (UK) 04 January 05 Missing snake sparks police hunt A helicopter was scrambled by police - to help track down a 12-foot snake which gave its owner the slip. The pet boa constrictor was reported to police to be on the loose in Bartholomew Road, Kentish Town, at 3.45pm. Camden police sent out two units in response, including a helicopter with special heat-seeking equipment on board. Camden police spokesman Pierre Petrou said: "This isn't the first time we've had a call like this. "The police don't have the equipment to capture animals but they do have their officer safety equipment like batons which can help keep them safe. "We sent a police helicopter because we were told boa constrictors can be quite dangerous. We thought we'd be able to find it with the heat sensors on the helicopters which we normally use to help track suspects - but the snake is cold-blooded. "However we thought it might show up because of the difference in temperature between the ground and the snake." The snake was discovered 40 minutes later curled up in rolls of cable in another room in the owner's house. A spokesman for London Zoo's Reptile House said: "Boa constrictors kill their prey by squeezing and constricting the animal until it suffocates. "At 12 feet long, this animal is almost fully grown. Unfortunately the species is often kept as a pet. The owners should certainly call the police and RSPCA on the discovery of an animal such as this going missing. Jan 2006 12:23:10:013
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- GBR Press: Missing snake sparks police hunt - W von Papineäu, Wed Jan 4 19:39:36 2006