Posted by:
Jeremy Stone
at Thu Jan 5 14:56:55 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Jeremy Stone ]
It has been awhile since I have posted. Happy New Year to everyone, and I hope this is a great season for the Boas. I am working on some EXTREEMLY fun projects this year. I can't WAIT for the Summer!!!!
Anyway Toine, This is EXTREEMLEY rare if the female has already ovulated. That is why it is important to leave the Male in there just incase the job isn't finished. IT is nice to have an Ultrasound to be the final judge. If you have one, you can just look for the Follicles and see if they are all the way into the Tail. If they are, then BINGO, no need to keep that male in there. IF not, then keep him going. Sometimes BIG follicles and swells get mistaken for ovulations too. So, even though you think she is done, she could not be.
Also, once a female has ovulated, she completley turns off the pherimones. So, that Male is Probably very young and inexperienced. If it is a Young Male, I could see this. However, an older more experienced male would sit on the other side of the cage. (Assuming she had ovluated)
In many breedings and many years of group breeding too, I have rarely seen this. Most of the time it is young Males. So, I would say, watch closely, and KEEP that male in there for sure. Also, you can watch the female try to keep her Temperatures up. If she sits around 87 to 89, and stays in one place, she is probably done. Also, the male should loose interest in a week or so. If he is STILL agressive in his breedings, she is probably VERY CLOSE, but not done yet. The BEST thing to do is to just keep that Male in there, and record all sheds. ALso record any other thing you may observe and take pictures. Keep good records so you can one day come in and answer the same question to someone in the same scenerio in a few years with some credibilty.
Best of luck, and Congrats on the Sucessful Courtship. Keep your fingers crossed, and hopefully you'll see a Pile of babies on the other side of Winter.
Take Care, Jeremy Stone
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