Posted by:
at Tue May 2 20:04:17 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Upscale ]
I don’t know what a Epi-pen is. Geeze my fifteen year old kid just looked over my shoulder and told me what it is. Where do they teach this stuff nowadays? Wow this is a new subject to me. I wouldn’t think I had been exposed to venom, aside from a bite, but if I think about it, there is always venom on the glass of an aquarium-type cage that you have to clean off, etc. Actually, lots of occasions to clean it up. I sure have had a lot more exposure to it than just being bitten once. I find it hard to understand developing a reaction to venom, aren’t you suppose to have a reaction to venom? I would think it would be weird not to have a reaction to it. I guess you mean, for lack of a better example the “dander” of venom? Or the air born particles that are present? I would think you develop immunity from it rather than sensitivity from long-term exposure. Thanks for the post, it was inspiring. I guess I will have to get into researching anaphylaxis and that whole subject.
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