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RE: Wood Turtle Feeding Question

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Posted by: kensopher at Sat Jun 10 18:29:47 2006  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by kensopher ]  

I'm sorry that nobody is answering your question. The reason I avoided it is simply this...nobody really knows the perfect amount to feed a young turtle. With my turtles, I gauge their growth rates and the fat extruding when they pull themselves into the shell. It is very unscientific, but it has worked for me. I'm sure that many other experienced keepers can determine feeding amounts with this subjective method.

Another reason people are avoiding it is probably because there is a lot of debate around "forced growth" of young turtles. I don't know if you were referring to NA Wood turtles or SA Wood turtles. For our purpose, they are fairly similar. The amount that you feed them will determine how fast they grow. Simply this...the more you feed your Wood turtle, the faster it will grow (generally). This may or may not be a good thing. There has not been very long term information either way. Obviously, if your turtle has deformities, it may have grown too fast. The problems can be more subtle, though. It may POSSIBLY result in a decrease in the number of years the turtle is fertile. As far as I know, the jury is still out on this. So, I haven't even come close to answering your question.

In my opinion, it depends on your turtle. I have NA Woods, and I try to mimic the growth of wild turtles. This means that I have a 3 year old turtle that is only like 4 inches long. Other people may have 3 year old turtles that are nearly breeding size. It can take 8 to 15 years for a wild Wood turtle to reach breeding age. Like I said, I don't know if the faster growth is good or bad. I just like to be cautious. In short, monitor your turtle's growth.

Also, I would recommend varying the diet of your turtle. Prepared commercial foods are great, but I would still offer other things. Earthworms, superworms, pinkies(rarely), waxworms, and other bugs are good. You can also put greens and some fruits and veggies in the water for a short time. The turtle should show more interest in these as it grows. I'm sorry that I didn't really answer your question.

Here's one of my 3 year olds a few months ago. I increase feeding during the warmer months, so this turtle has grown a good 1/4 of an inch since then.


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