Posted by:
at Tue Jun 13 16:03:36 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by bradtort ]

Bought her from a friend of mine.
She's a ~5yrs old, CB female. She's about 22-24". My scale is broken, so I don't know the weight. She looks pretty healthy to me.
I'm currently keeping her in a 15qt sterlite tub with a sand/cocofiber substrate, water bowl, hide spot. I keep the tub on the floor where temps are consistently in the mid 70s.
I haven't fed her yet but she's supposed to be a weekly consumer of one thawed fuzzy. Her previous owner hibernated her in the winter in hopes of breeding her, but the snake only produced a few slugs.
I plan to keep her as a pet.
I have about 10 years experience keeping lizards, torts and frogs. I once had an Arizona Mountain King. She did OK but I eventually sold her. I've had my most success breeding Russian tortoises.
And I've reviewed the info on
1) I plan to eventually move her into a 10-15 gallon tank with a semi-natural setup: coco/sand substrate, hollow log, potted plant (maybe pothos), water bowl, branches. Aside from it being a bigger pain to keep clean, is there anything else I should know about keeping rubber boas in a natural setup?
2) If I don't plan to breed her, should I continue to hibernate her? My basement drops into the mid 50s from around December to March, and that's where I hibernate my tortoises.
3) Is a temperature range of 75-80 sufficient for digestion for these snakes?
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