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reptiles magazine "living vivarium"

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Posted by: otis07 at Fri Jul 27 00:14:24 2007  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by otis07 ]  

did any of you guys read the living vivarium article in REPTILES? this dude had like a 400 gallon tank and had like 125 differnet animals in it. i averaged it out and it was like 3.5 gallons of space per animal. he had some chameleons, over 10 darts, like 5 species of darts and many differnt morphs. he had fish and day geckos, treefrogs and bugs. i can't beleive they put that ty article in a well established magazine. don't the publishers/editors know thats not safe. if that guy had asked anyone why knew anything about herps they would have said don't try to attempt it. the worst part is that he had never kept ANY herps or animals before. this was his first tank and he put all those species in it. for anyone who read that article and was thinking "hey, that guy did it, maybe i should try it"- don't. this guy had no idea what he was doing and if you are going to attempt to mix species; keep both species beforehand sucessfuly, make sure they live in the same place in the wild, don't mix dart species or morphs, dont mix more than 2 species most of the time. and generally it's just a really bad idea unless you are an expert on all species going into the tank.

other than what the guy was keeping the tank, the article was poorly written, it told exactly how he made his, but the information was too specific and not useful to someone who wants to do something like that on a smaller scale. this guy was a carpenter or something and thought he could just put all these species together and not do any research (obviously, otherwise he would not have put all them together).


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>> Next topic:  Heattttt! - AndrewFromSoCal, Fri Jul 27 18:23:19 2007
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