Posted by:
at Sun Dec 16 15:58:58 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by 7serpents ]
Hello KevinM,
It is usually good to assume the Giant plated lizard termed by vendor with Latin name “Gerrhosaurus major ------?” is the generic identification of this animal and with the low price you must assume WC. Definitely should be de-parasitized with Flagyl & Panacur. Now addressing the breathing issue and cage setup as they two effect each other:
1. Change the alfalfa pellets immediately as they will create bacteria in the lungs and on belly/feet causing rot. A food item used as substrate which will be defecated on may also produce high ureic acids another big problem with breathing & scales. Try using aspen bedding or Sphagnum moss/Cyprus mulch/Soil mixture as substrate. These can be spot cleaned to remove defecation.
2. Cage is too small for a 2 ft animal. Rule of thumb is: 3 x the lizards length for width of cage/ 2 x length for depth of cage/ and height of cage between 12’ – 24’ depending on material used. If using glass tank a 50 gallon breeder tank is minimum. 3. Temps. Ambient air 74f – 82f range with basking site air temp 90f – 95f/ ceramic tiles or cork bark surface temps 100f – 110f range. Too cool temperatures induce viral & bacterial infections. 4. Food for WC lizards “Plateds” plenty of Crickets, waxworms, small Superworms (not mealworms but “zoophobia” species. Not the right time to try offering any vegetables or fruits as protein is on the menu to get him/her up and thriving. Not eating usually means signs of Stress, cage temperatures too cold, parasites, and then need for lizard to be in the quite area of home to acclimate. Normal acclimation of WC Sudan Plated Lizards takes from 1 – 2 years before fully thriving and health is completely up to reproduction.
Go down through previous posts to read up on Plated lizard cage setups, feeding, breeding, ect.
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