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RE: Cresty WTF?

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Posted by: Severa at Thu Jan 31 00:03:13 2008  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Severa ]  

IMO...Definitely not! I could think of a ton of reasons to not even consider trying this though I will give you the top three reasons.

Having kept wtf in the past, they are a ferocious eater who "eats first and asks questions later". They are notorious for biting more than they can chew. The crestie is sure to lose a tail if not its entire self to the belly of the beast. My largest wtf lived 6 years and she had a SV length of 5 inches. Rat pups were a rare treat and she would have eaten 3 of them in one sitting if I had let her.

The WTF would probably stress out the crestie to the point to where the crestie would become reclusive and take off eating. Intimidation does happen and if that crestie is threatened in its own territory and it cannot get away to establish another, that stress factor will eventually kill it. Remember, both wtf and crestie will be active at the same time of the day and they will be competing for the same prey. WTFs will out eat a crestie, hands down.

Lastly, all frogs secrete. Some more than others. Some more toxic than others. I do not believe that the wtf secretions are that toxic if at all but why would you want to chance that the secretion that it leaves behind would have long term effects on the crestie, who goes around familiarizing itself with its surroundings tasting everything.

There are so many temptations out there in wanting to keep “Something else” in your crestie set up or a mixed specie set-up in general. The common rule is to keep a single specie set-up for incredibly good reasons. It is a truth that is hard to accept but even harder to prove wrong.

On a side note though, I know some people who do keep African millipedes in their crestie set ups. They don’t bother each other and the millipede acts as a custodian eating fecal matter and also gets into the CGD. It has also been published that a pink tongue skink has been successfully kept with cresteds. Me personally, I would not chance a PTS with my cresteds, but that is my opinion.



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<< Previous Message:  Cresty WTF? - alex_reid33, Wed Jan 30 23:23:01 2008