Posted by:
at Sat Feb 2 07:33:42 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by teaspoon ]
when I got my newest two plateds, they'd been fed nothing but rat pinkies(they were very fat) but I've gotten them to eat fruits by doing this: chop up fruits or vegatables very tiny and put them on that ever you plated does eat. make sure you get the juice from the fruits on the bugs so they can get used to the smell and taste of it. At first they'll probably pick around all the fruits and vegatables, but after a while they'll probably start eating them. I buy bags of frozen fruit at the grocery store. Mine like blackberries, strawberries, and rasberries the best, so you might try those. ----- My menagerie  1.1 Ball Pythons 1.0 Amazon Tree Boa 1.0 Corn Snake 1.0 Dumeril's Boa 1.2 Bearded Dragons 2.1 Crested Geckos 2.1 Sudan Plated Lizards 0.0.5 Eastern Painted Turtles 1.2.5 Eastern Box Turtles 1.1 Eastern Red-spotted Newts 1.0 Northern Mockingbird 0.3 Chickens 2.0 Cats 1.1 Ferrets 0.1.4 Wild mice 0.0.35 some kind of goldfish
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