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Tips on Sexing and Breeding of Cobras?

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Posted by: ToxicLabs at Wed Jun 18 05:16:13 2008  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ToxicLabs ]  

I currently have a 6 feet 0.1 Black Pak cobra (Naja naja) and an unsexed Suphan cobra (Naja kaouthia) that’s a solid 5 feet and that looks like a male through visually examining him. I would love to make an attempt at breeding these two snakes if I can get some helpful hints on doing so. I've only bred Western diamondback rattlers in the past and this will be a new experience for me, and I have five questions before I can get started.

1. Although I believe the Suphan cobra is a male by the look of it, I haven't probed it to be certain. I do have a probing set, and do have a little experience using these, along with proper safely gear (tube restraints, etc. My question is how far should the probe go in to determine the sex in regards to cobras? Do they go in about the same length as rattlers?

2. Secondly, I know cobras often times enjoy eating other snakes, including other cobras. Are there any tips to help decrease the odds of one eating the other during introduction of the cobras in a single enclosure?

3. In the past for the C. atrox, I would give the snakes a three month resting period with decreased lighting and temperature and without food. Then I would place the male in a smaller enclosure that would then be placed inside of a larger enclosure with the female for a period of about a week so they could slowly get use to each other. I then fed them good, then introduced the male directly in with the female and gently sprayed them down bi-daily with warmed water. Would this also be suffice for introducing the two Najas, or is there a better way?

4. With the Western diamondbacks I used a 4 foot long, 3 foot wide, and 2.5 foot deep enclosure. Is something like this suffice for cobras, or do they need more room when trying to breed them, since they do occasionally have cannibalistic tendencies?

5. Does anyone know what the offspring of a Black Pak X with a Suphan would look like? Is there a name for them?

THANK YOU ALL! It's hard finding good, up to date information on breeding cobras that goes in to any useful detail.

Thanks again!


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>> Next Message:  RE: Tips on Sexing and Breeding of Cobras? - gauger79, Sun Jul 6 14:31:01 2008
>> Next Message:  RE: Tips on Sexing and Breeding of Cobras? - cobrafan, Tue Jul 29 10:53:12 2008