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at Sun May 10 00:16:30 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by fc3schick87 ]
shiznit, my large female, has gout in her front legs, its progressed to her upper legs and toes. i did everything i could but its progressed so i believe she developed the issue before i got her or shortly after while i was seeking help. also the fact she would not eat no matter what while in my car didnt help.... i gave her back to my friend diann who posts up on here from time to time. i found that the reason for her not eatingg while at my house is more phycological, while here she must be is much stress from the previous trama she encouterd when i first got her and such, the mite treatment and all.... frills never forget what scares them, like bringing a dog to the vet and they freak out. shiz is eating and doingn well in her new enclosure and is going on 48 hours living there yet again....
i feel so horrible for her, really i do......
 as you can see her swollen arms, you can also see how light in color she is, showing she is very calm and happy where she is she never lifted her head for me, its wondefull how happy she is now
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gout - fc3schick87, Sun May 10 00:16:30 2009