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RE: lighting issue?

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Posted by: fc3schick87 at Thu Jun 4 19:55:49 2009  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by fc3schick87 ]  

hi there!
if you have a compact florecent bulb (florecent that fits in common house light bulb socket) then its causing the problem.

i dont think you need a 160 wat, 100 wats penitrates up to 18 inches with its heat if not more. it can easily heat up half that tank. if you wnat to put two 100 wat mvb on either side with a common house lamp in the middle to bringg in light in the middle i think that would be a great idea. you dont want ambient air temp to be over 95, 85 is a great ambient temp with a cool area of 80 is ideal.

you say you want to get 2 more frills and put them in the same 55 gallon tank. i dont think this would be a good idea AT ALL. a 55 gallon is typicaly to narrow and to short to be able to house more then 2 up to about 5 months of age or snout to vent 4 inches length over all 10 inches with tail. and wont be good at all to house an adult.

the mesurements you gave us at 6 feet long sound more like a 100 gallon. i could have read wrong.

i would advise against putting more then 2 frill in there unless they are young.

frill dragons are not that social of creatures and could be stressed easily by roomates. never put 2 males in one enclosure together. you can easily sex a frill dragon the same exact way as a bearded dragon by lifting the tail up while holding your dragon. you'll either see 2 bumps on the side, or one bump in the center of the tail just after the vent.

frills can bee sexed as early as you can buy them. my lil girl was only 10 grams when i bought her and i could sex her in the pet store.its very obious between male and female. i saw a bin of 15 frill dragons at a reptile expo recently and i could sex each and every one of them very obious.

btw. glass tanks are easy to build up on. creating a taller enclosure with benifits of glass. lmk if you want help expanding


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>> Next Message:  o i forgot to add - fc3schick87, Thu Jun 4 20:00:30 2009

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