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at Sat Nov 14 16:54:55 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by tonymarinara ]
Hi everybody. This forums pretty dead but I can wait. I recently rescued a 8 inch common snapper from a bad situation. A person I work with who can't even manage his slider was stuck with a snapper from a cousin who dropped it off and put it in the tiny tank WITH the snapper who didnt have adequate space, heat, filter, cleaning, or anything else to begin with. That person got it from someone else at least a couple years ago and I have no info on where she came from before that. Although I frequently take in all sorts of rescues, and have kept all sorts of herps for over 10 years, I realize that my apartment is MUCH too small for a full grown snapper. I called a local reptile rescue and was told to release her in the spring. My problem with this is that the lady didnt even hear me out on the details and suggested I LIE to a local rehab and tell them i found it in order to get them to take it without a fee. She also told me that absolutely NO common snappers are captive bred(which i know to be false obv) and that I do not need to worry about her hibernation instinct or possible disease introduction. She is known to be very knowledgeable and I value her advice, but I didn't feel entirely confident with it as she didn't seem to listen or care much. I worry about release because of several reasons- 1)she has one bad eye. its intact, but has fleshy growth covering much of the opening. She seems to see ok, but I've only had her a week. 2) i have no idea how long she has been captive or what situations she has been in. 3)will her instincts lead her to hibernate despite the fact that she may never have had to before?
So I've decided shes staying with me until spring at least, but I am looking for second opinions in the meantime. I'd hate to take her from a bad situation just for her to die when I try to release her. Otherwise I'll need to find her a suitable home which may be difficult as most people aren't experienced enough or able to give enough space to an adult.
Thanks for any help!
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- need 2nd opinion on release - tonymarinara, Sat Nov 14 16:54:55 2009 *HOT TOPIC*