Posted by:
at Sat Feb 6 13:09:05 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHLdyPayne ]
mold or fungus growing in your cage is a sign its most likely too damp and/or not enough air flow.
I suggest reducing the amount of water added to the cage (if you mist regularly) and give the substrate time to become dry out, at least in the first inch or so. I don't know if you set up your cage with a proper drainage system (ie a gravel layer so water can drain out of the soil and in high humid setups (which shouldn't be used with crested geckos, as they are not tropical rainforest type lizards, they are temperate so humidity really shouldn't be much more than 60% on average) they also use a drain hole/pipe to siphon off excess water, either dripped into a bucket and recycled through a filter and then pumped back into the vivarium via misting systems, or just drained away completely).
How often do you mist the cage or water the plants? (I beleive those are live plants in there). It would be better to only water the plants once a week, and give a light misting once a day to allow the leaves/branches etc to dry out completely between mistings. If possible remove the plants and water them outside of the cage, (if kept in their own pots and just 'submerged' into the cage substrate).
I would be leery about putting a fan inside the cage, if that was your intention, as, unless its completely screened over, you don't want your geckos getting into contact with the blades, even on a computer fan. The blades are just plastic but they spin so fast it can still easily chop off toes and limbs or tails should the gecko get any part of its body in contact with the blades...if not cut off extremities, certainly break bones and tear skin.
In the picture, it looks like you have your gecko in a glass type there a screen top on it? Or just little vents? ----- PHLdyPayne
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- White Fungus in Cage... - octoberashes, Fri Feb 5 16:11:40 2010

RE: White Fungus in Cage... - PHLdyPayne, Sat Feb 6 13:09:05 2010