Posted by:
at Wed Jun 23 18:06:23 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DROOPY11 ]
Wow; thanks! You really know your reptiles celticvamp. Great info!
I live in North-East MS, near the Alabama and Tennessee border (a town called Glenn).
Good to know there are so many non-venomous snakes in this area, but I will study and look into what the venomous ones look like. We don't live near any large body's of water, so I am hoping there are only the three rattler species you spoke of around these parts. (I am much more use to rattle snakes and their obvious tail rattles, as I am originally from California where I saw far more Western Rattlesnakes than any other snake of ANY type. Unfortunately, I was quite aggressive towards this species, and would shoot or knife (via throwing!) any and all I spotted. ).
I know all of this may sound excessively cruel to you, but my wife has a horrible phobia towards all snakes, but I am now trying to educate her about their benefits (with your great emails).
Thanks again,
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