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RE: Different Morphs of kenyans?

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Posted by: vjl4 at Fri Aug 13 09:45:54 2010  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by vjl4 ]  

LOL! People have called me many things

I wouldn't call Dodoma (or nuclear for that matter) a morph because I like to reserve that word for simple genetic traits, i.e. things that are either recessive (albino, paradox albino, anery, or combinations of them), co-dominant, and incomplete dominant. With these traits your expectations are pretty clear, for example if you bred an albino to a normal you will get hets, bred the hets you get an albino, breed that albino to a completely unrelated animal and you will get hets, breed those hets and you get an albino, repeat until the end of time and the results will be the same. There is one mutated gene involved and you can passage that single mutant gene into any animal because it is not blended in. That one mutant gene is maintained.

But for Dodoma and other line bred and line bred like things you cant pull off the above breeding cycle for. Take the most awesome Dodoma (or nuclear) and mate that to the most butt ugly dark tipped out monster of a kenyan and you will get offspring that are not like mom nor like dad; some may be more Dodoma looking and some may be more butt ugly but its likely to be some where in between. Then, take those offspring and breed them to each other, sure you will get some that look like Dodoma and some that look ugly, but there not hets and more than a puggle is het pug or het beagle. Then, take the best most Dodoma-like animal from that cross and breed it to some unrelated brown boring Kenyan, bred those offspring together and you get animals that are not very Dodoma like. Repeat a few more times and you will no longer get anything that even faintly looks like Dodoma (or nuclear).

For those line bred traits its the particularly combination of gene variants (alleles) that produce the appearance. Start to dilute out that combination by out-crosses and the pattern will be lost, 50% in the first generation, 25% in the second, 12.5% in the third, 6.25% in the fourth, etc.


“There is a grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that whilst this planet has gone on cycling according to the fixed laws of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.” -C. Darwin, 1859

Natural Selection Reptiles


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>> Next Message:  RE: Different Morphs of kenyans? - SandBoaMorphs, Fri Aug 13 10:40:25 2010

<< Previous Message:  RE: Different Morphs of kenyans? - SandBoaMorphs, Thu Aug 12 18:51:34 2010 image in post