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Press: sonic booms = randy crocs

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Posted by: W von Papine鋟 at Wed Dec 22 13:37:39 2010  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by W von Papine鋟 ]  

AFP 19 December 10 Israel sonic booms 'making crocs randy'Jerusalem: Sonic booms created by Israeli warplanes speeding across the sky are having the unintended consequence of launching hibernating crocodiles into mating mode, the daily Maariv reported on Sunday.
According to the newspaper, each time warplanes break the sound barrier over a crocodile breeding farm in the Golan Heights, the randy reptiles begin emitting their ritual mating cry.
"The powerful squealing noises, reminiscent of the sound of a car braking, can be heard from hundreds of metres (yards) around," David Golan, head of crocodile breeding at the Hamat Gader park, told Maariv.
The calls appeared to be a response to the sonic booms, which seemed to convince the crocodiles that other males had begun making mating signals, the newspaper said.
There are around 100 crocodiles at the park, which is underneath airspace used by the Israeli air force for training runs.
A population boom is not expected, however, because the male crocs are all bark and no bite.
Despite issuing their signature mating calls when the planes break the sound barrier, there has been no uptick in actual breeding -- and the "official" mating season does not begin until the summer.

诪注专讬讘 / NRG (Tel Aviv, Israel) 19 December 10 讗讬讝讛 诪讬谉 转谞讬谉?
(讬讜谞转谉 讛诇诇讬) 讛讘讜诪讬诐 讛注诇-拽讜诇讬讬诐 砖诇 诪讟讜住讬 讞讬诇 讛讗讜讜讬专 讙讜专诪讬诐 诇转谞讬谞讬诐 讘讞诪转 讙讚专 诇讛砖诪讬注 拽讜诇讜转 讞讬讝讜专 讬讬讞讜讚讬讬诐. 诇诪专讜转 讛驻注讬诇讜转 讛注专讛, 讛诐 诇讗 诪讝讚讜讜讙讬诐
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