Posted by:
at Sun May 15 22:55:48 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by zmarchetti ]
Mojo's advice is good: lose the heat lamp immediately and although it may not be a huge problem, a 2.0 UVB would be more appropriate than a 5.0. Uroplatus are cool temperature geckos that can be very prone to stress. So, fix your temps and stop handling your gecko as much as possible. Uroplatus do not like being handled, (there are some who will tolerate it) but for the most part they need to be left alone in order to thrive.
Unflavored pedialyte can be used to rehydrate Uroplatus. Use a small eye dropper and place one drop at a time on the lips of the gecko and allow him to drink it on own. Do this while he is resting in the cage not while handling if at all possible. Take the back legs of some crickets and put them in a shallow, open topped container at the bottom of the enclosure over night to make it easier for him to catch them. If he gets worse or doesn't improve after a little while take him to a vet.
good luck, zach
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