Posted by:
at Mon Apr 25 13:46:54 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Deathstalker ]
For years, I have caught and kept toads - primarily as Heterodon food, but I have become significantly more attached in recent years and keep them as pets for the season. Well, my girlfriend and I caught a pair last night (on the road, so We saved them ), and We put them in a 12"-diameter round container with 1" of water outside for the night (We took some videos in my room of the male calling after being placed in water - very cool!). The male's clinging as expected.
Now, my concern is, if-and-when We get eggs, how do We 'incubate' them? Years ago, I tried keeping the eggs in this same container, never changing the water, I believe, and they went to waste. Thus, do I change up water every so often?
What else do I need to do? My girlfriend and I would very much like to succeed with having Our own baby toads (which she's even more crazy about!). Also, just getting some duckweed or whatever from a local pond should suffice for food, right?
Any and all information will be graciously accepted, thanks!!
Sincerely, Timothy ----- T.J. Gould
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