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RE: I Guess It Is Time

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Posted by: chrisdrake at Tue Aug 23 20:47:29 2011  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by chrisdrake ]  

Your comments are just getting silly. Trying to prove i'm a hypocrite doesn't make what you do right. Yes i have animals. Yes i have bought and sold animals. Yes i have had a couple animals die while i in my care. Who hasn't? Thats part of keeping reptiles or animals in general. How does that make me a hypocrite? Having 3 or 4 snakes die in 15 years is not the same as killing all you can catch every year. I'm not trying to say killing any animal is bad. If its for science i'm fine with that. I'm not a tree hugging vegetarian member of PETA. I am againest collecting 100's of animals from the wild to kill for profit and amusement. I can't see how you make the connection from keeping animals as pets and collecting with the purpose of killing them to make snake head keychains, rattlesnake clothes and jewelry for a profit. Or my favorite putting some idiot in a bath tub and covering him in snakes? Where is the benefit of that? Is it okay because the majority of people dont care for snakes? Would you do the same thing with dogs? If you did they would lock you up so fast your head would spin. There is the double standard. Animal cruelty is wrong unless its a reptile. If you want to make belts and have rattlesnake meat go collect some wild stock and farm raise them yourself. I'm fine with that. Kill all you want. I know thats far fetched because you would have to feed them and thats not profitable right? Your proud of keeping herps since you were 5. So why do you feel the need to kill them now? Last time i checked i wasnt being payed by the pound for mosquitos or wasps. As for where i live you are right. I live in a house. I would love to have land and live in West Texas. I would really love to be able to walk outside and see a rattlesnake on my property. I sure as hell wouldnt be calling you to come kill it for me. As for me being a newbie to you thats cool. When your 80 and have been doing this 75 years and i will have only done it 40 years i suppose i will still be a newbie. lol. I could care less about your opinion. You don't know me. The people who do know otherwise. I'm going to end the trash talk now. I've stated my opinion and i don't want to clog this forum with BS. Your facts arent going to change my mind and i'm sure mine wont change yours. We will agree to disagree.



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>> Next Message:  RE: I Guess It Is Time - ectimaeus, Tue Aug 23 21:18:37 2011

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