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RE: I Guess It Is Time

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Posted by: Mcdowelli76 at Wed Aug 24 01:03:17 2011  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Mcdowelli76 ]  

I take in a fare amount of snakes people can no longer take care of or abandon. Yes, I do have a collection that I have payed for, but they all are from countries who do not allow exportation anymore. The rescues I take in for the most part are your normal ball python that is not worth much at all, but I plan to keep them for the rest of their years because I would rather let them live a comfortable existance here rather than go somewhere that they may very well end up needing a new home eventually. Those I do adopt out are free of charge provided the person can prove they can provide proper care and a suitable enclosure. The only animals I may breed from my collection is for the desire to continue pure species like the Cay Caulker boa because of their rarity. While I may breed I will continue to take in and either take care of perminantly or find a proper home for rescues because I believe every group or industry needs to be self policing and work in more areas than just the production side. I have had a few rescued animals die in my care. Some had nuerological damage from their past experiences and one after exhuasting all the possible proper treatments to no avail. Some have had a ocean view resting place in my yard and two were cremated and are in urns. I think that the issue with any activity is how well the population that partakes in it self polices it's numbers. I can comend you on your approach to keep the numbers at a sustainable number, but just as with everything their are those who do not take such measures. Things like animals smuggled in from other states or south of the boarder,Temp. freezing and having their mouth sewn shut for use in photo's( happens at some roundups), and some of the sideshows( pancaking,ect) are some of the things could use doing away with. It's not about being against any harvest of snakes at all, mostly just some other the treatment they are subjected to. I have even had a few Southern Pacifics in my care for the short term because people preffered them out of their yard and the occassional dumbass with no experience that goes and catches one. I'm tempted to keep them in my collection and may in the future, but if the were born wild and I have a suitable place and conditions to let them continue to be I will choose to.


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