Posted by:
at Fri Sep 16 14:52:29 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by markg ]
They like access to a humid hide, at least a few days a week. They like cool background temps. They can heat up on a narrow strip of heater. No need to have a huge basking area, unless you are keeping a number in the same cage.
Imprint seems important. If you acquire a CB baby that has been started on domestic mice, then it will eat domestic mice no problem from then on. If you get a W/C and it has fed on a particular type of rodent, then there is no guarantee that domestic mice will be readily accepted.
Also, their appetites seem to be seasonal. So there are times when even the best feeders will not eat. Not uncommon with higher elevation snakes. Best to offer as cool a background temp as you can when they aren't eating.
I had a nice pair, but where I live it just gets too warm for too long. I was able to keep them cool enough on a concrete floor, but I chose to give them away to a friend who lived in an area that has more mild summers. Those things, especially the female, would eat so much during Spring it was amazing. She would eat 3-6 large thawed fuzzies in one sitting like it was nothing. She was not even a large female. I imagine it takes a good amount of wild rodent nests out there to support wild RBs. Come late June she was done feeding. Both would feed right out on the work table with no regard for me walking around cleaning cages. Calmest snakes in the world. Make rosyboas seem skittish. ----- Mark
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