Posted by:
at Sat Jan 21 14:38:23 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by csr ]
I keep my Charina with a similar setup. I have mine is 24" Visions with a thick layer of aspen, and the same deli cup but with a lid and a hole cut out in the top. I have it full of moss and do exactly what Markg mentioned. I let it dry out and then dampen it again. I also have heat under the cage set at 80. It shuts off at night, but my ambient temps in my house are always 70-72. I do brumate my adult charina's in the winter months. I feed babies year round until 2 years old. This has worked well for me for the last several years and usually have a few nice litters every year! ----- Keeper/Breeder of Sand, Rosy, and Rubber Boa's, Drymachron, Alterna, Black Milks, Thayeri, and Crotalids.
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