Posted by:
at Fri Feb 24 20:39:49 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by HoggyMomma ]
So, I also got hit with rubber boa lust: about a year ago, I found one laying across a path at a cousin's wedding reception in Washington state. Since then, it's been a torturous time of trying to glean info at my local (and awesome) Vivarium, asking fellow rubber boas aficionadoes on this forum, and many fruitless searches on my own. I am not sure what laws Montana has but for me, living in California meant I had to get a 2012 fish and game permit--which is currently useless as I have no rubber boa.
First off, good luck in your own search. Secondly, I think that finding one is more likely than buying one, if they are present in your state, due to their secretive nature and the understandable reluctance of knowing collectors to share their herping places. Your best bet is probably to get to know someone in your area who has already found one/some and hope they are either willing to tell/take you to the site or bring you back one from their next herping adventure. Otherwise, even if the law is on your side, finding a breeder is nigh impossible. Of course, you could also be in the same frustrated boat I'm in: looking in likely areas in (hopefully) likely times, and doing a lot of both finger crossing and fruitless searching.
Just watch out: when I posted a similar pleading request for help finding these lovely, wonderful snakes, it was suggested that I was a fish n game officer trolling for illegal deals. Sucks to be us.
Again, good luck, and I will prolly lurk to see what other people say!
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- Hi there! - Sinnamongirl, Wed Feb 22 13:41:10 2012
- RE: Hi there! - HoggyMomma, Fri Feb 24 20:39:49 2012
- RE: Hi there! - RichardFHoyer, Sat Feb 25 00:29:14 2012
- RE: Hi there! - ernestplutko, Tue Apr 10 18:50:21 2012