Posted by:
at Mon Apr 30 12:52:37 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Really ]
As many of you know, last June 5, I purchases two of the aqua blue phase green iguanas the day after they arrived at our local Petco. Though they arrived with some health issues, Petco stood by their health guarantee and contributed more money than I spent on the animals towards their following vet bills (though I went on to spend quite a bit more later). Nevertheless, despite the work of two excellent vets, one of those little iguanas, Arwen, passed away on September 18, 2011.
The other, Tazumal, recovered fully and is doing quite well. He has grown in the nearly eleven months I've had him from about 20 grams and a length of 3.25 inches SVL and 12.5 inches STL to 192 grams and 6.75 inches SVL and 23 inches (he did break off the tip of his tail about six months ago so he would be around 24 or 25 inches. Since he was estimated to between five and seven weeks old when I got him, he turned a year old some time between April 15th and today. Starting in December he developed a yellowish-brown color to his dewlap, but shows no trace of any green color anywhere on his body.
Here are his most recent pictures, taken this morning:

Here is his stunningly blue belly:

A close up of his head reveals bits of royal blue.

He has a good temperament and enjoys car rides
 And riding around on my shoulder

Finally, here are a couple of baby pictures from the first month or so, as a reminder of how he looked last summer.

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OT: Petco Blue iguana follow-up - Really, Mon Apr 30 12:52:37 2012