Posted by:
at Fri Nov 23 17:14:42 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Warren_Booth ]
Folks, As part of a study being undertaken by a graduate student in my department, I am looking for accurate data on gestation time (either ovulation to parturition, or POS to parturition), and also litter size, including still borns and slugs.
I don't care if its one litter or 1000. If you have accurate date, we would love to get it. Also, we need to know which species it is from. If anything comes of it that is worth publishing, your contribution will be fully acknowledged.
You can PM me or post directly to here. If you have larger datasets (excel spreadsheets for example) PM me and I will pass on my email address.
Thank you,
Warren ----- Dr Warren Booth / Director USARK North Carolina State University Department of Entomology

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Accurate gestation times and litter size - Warren_Booth, Fri Nov 23 17:14:42 2012