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RE: Homework assignment.

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Posted by: Rextiles at Tue Aug 13 04:07:08 2013  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Rextiles ]  

What the hell kind of tactic are you employing right now?

There's not tactic, it's a simple question asking you to prove what you are claiming, that's all.

Trying to play me out to be a idiot

No, you are doing that all on your own with no help from me.

You are defending a action that can lead to someone getting hurt

First off, in case you don't understand, Gregg's "suggestion" is a tongue-in-cheek kind of joke. So if you didn't understand that he was being funny, well, now you know.

Second, I've not said anything in regards to what Gregg suggested, defending him or not. Show me where I have defended him and his tongue-in-cheek suggestion. Please, show me what you say about me is true.

How do you know 100% that a person will not stress there snake out by doing that?

And how do you know that a person will stress them out? You are the one making the claim, not me. I'm simply asking you to prove your claim. I've been keeping snakes for over 20 years and have been bitten countless times, I've never noticed any of them suffering from undue stress from having bit me.

How many years have you been keeping snakes? How many times have you been bitten? Have you witnessed any unhealthy stress in a snake that has bitten you? If so, please share with us your experience so that we can all learn from it.

Its not going to be doing it any favors thats for sure and its not going to like humans much

No, I can't imagine that the snake would be too happy from the experience as it was hoping to eat and all it got was a taste.

The snake isn't going to like humans much? Another one of your claims based on what exactly?

Have you got any real idea what you are doing? Hurting keepers? you should be ashamed!

And what exactly am I doing? How am I hurting keepers? What should I be ashamed of? What is it exactly you are accusing me of doing?

ALL Your recent threads are one huge mess of Straw man arguments

They are? Prove it! Prove one thing I've said that is a Straw Man argument, please, show me and everybody else here. Do you even know what a Straw Man argument is? Did you actually read the link I gave you?

Instead of helping others learn and expand there knowledge you and Gregg try and stomp on everyone very Anti Social and even stick to your guns defending BAD advice to others.

Actually, despite the negativity that seems to be coming from a few people such as yourself, I know for a fact that Gregg and I have offered more in the way of factual information than the rest of you put together. All we seem to be hearing from you and the others is just baseless opinions with no means of backing up what you say with actual facts. All I've done is ask you with respect to back up your claim that a hognose will be stressed from biting someone. All you can seem to do is get upset and attack me. If anyone is being anti-social and stomping all over people, it's you. If you cannot understand this, then I actually feel very sorry for you.

And wow you are arrogant great trait.

So now you are into judging people and name calling, what a shame. All I did was ask you a simple question and you attack and insult me. Did I attack and insult you?

However, you still haven't answered my question....

Can you prove your claim that a snake will be stressed out by biting someone as you claim?
Troy Rexroth


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>> Next Message:  RE: Homework assignment. - Lance86, Tue Aug 13 20:43:30 2013