Posted by:
at Sat Feb 28 09:48:42 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
So what information was useful in that video? What will be great is when they prove out what we already know, colubrids multiclutch. The reality is we have known that for decades. For Dan, many specie multi clutch as well as Hogs, in fact, some triple and guad clutch with ease. Some lay even more clutches. But "proving" it in nature has been hard, for biology, and easy for ethology. In all cases, its about expense and time. Nobody wants to spend either. Particularly when we already know they do and easily. What I thought would be interesting is what was not talked about, TEMPS. Nesting temps, foraging temps, digesting temps, wintering temps, shedding temps etc. Cheers
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