Posted by:
at Sat Mar 7 07:33:05 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by AaronBayer ]
Ok, it's hard to follow, but am I right in thinking your snake has regurged 3-4 times?
if so... stop feeding. when a snake regurges more than once there is a problem that more food will not only not help, but make worse.
a 10 gal isnt ideal, but will work. what are your temps (general room temp and the temp of the hot spot)? Are you providing a SNUG hide (think very tight dark place)? Is the snake in a high traffic area (are people walking by the cage)?
if temps are good, the snake is safe/secure, and there are no stressors, then there is a problem with the gut flora or a parasite issue.
I would not feed the snake til about 15-20 days since the last regurge and when you do feed, provide the smallest pinky you can.
If you have a vet in your area (one that not only treats reptiles, but knows something about them... they are hard to come by) give them a call. You will probably bring your snake in and the vet will give a dose of flagyl. also ask about having a fecal float done... some vets will ask you to collect the most recent stool and bring it in... some want it frozen, some want it mixed with water... just ask your vet what they want.
I hope that helps, good luck.
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